Ingredients (4 people)
  • Basil to taste
  • Bread 0,70 oz
  • EVO oil to taste
  • Fresh anchovies 9,8 oz
  • Lime to taste
  • Mozzarella 3,52 oz
  • Purple potatoes 4,23 oz
  • Salt to taste
  1. Clean and debone the anchovies.
  2. Peel and finely slice the potatoes, then blanch them for 30 seconds in boiling water.
  3. Cut the mozzarella into pieces and cook the Pomì Strained tomatoes for 15 minutes together with the oil, basil and salt.
  4. Alternate three layers of potatoes, anchovies, mozzarella and tomato to create the hot pot.
  5. Bake at 180° for approximately 12 minutes.
  6. Complete the recipe by garnishing with stale crumbled bread, quickly sautéed in a pan with oil, salt and some freshly grated lime.

and get your
#chef moment?
