Pomì's Promise: Top-Quality Tomatoes, Farm-Fresh to You
Quality is at the heart of Pomì's operations. Our supply chain is meticulously managed from farm to store, ensuring that we deliver only the finest tomatoes each day. Harvested within an average distance of 50 km from our processing facility, our tomatoes undergo a rigorous, certified, and controlled process. This unyielding commitment to quality guarantees that our consumers receive the best tomatoes every time.
Pomì guarantees healthy and safe products that are 100% Italian and 100% sustainable from environmental, economical, ethical and social stand points. We work on sustainability from every angle to continuously improve farming and processing practices of our tomatoes. Our products are certified by Bureau Veritas, ensuring 100% Italian tomatoes cultivated through environmentally respectful and integrated production practices, with a controlled supply chain for non-GMO seeds, and adherence to the highest standards of agricultural practices.

Pomì for the environment
We reduce the impact of cultivation
We have adopted precision agriculture, tools and predictive models to protect the environment and fertigation systems that allow us to save up to 25% of water. We apply highly restrictive integrated production regulations and monitor all the phases of the production - cultivation, harvesting, assignment and processing - with a responsible approach to the land and the health of consumers.

We save energy in every step
We save energy in every phase of production, limiting carbon dioxide emissions. We apply scrupulous waste management and we work in compliance with high standards of environmental management and food safety.
Read Our Sustainability Report
even the trees are grateful to Pomì!
One of Pomì's first goals is to restore value to the environment and society by containing and minimizing the environmental impact of production processes, promoting a culture of sustainability to deliver a better world to future generations, protect the land and foster biodiversity.
With this in mind, Pomì has decided to join the WOWnature reforestation project by taking direct action to defend the area of San Colombano (MN) and Maria Luigia Island (CR). The #WOWnature project was created by Etifor, a spin-off company of the University of Padua that decided to put its scientific knowledge and expertise to work to create sustainable projects that can restore the balance between humanity and nature.
This year, we are trying again to help defend an area which is dear to us: Maria Luigia Island, located in Martignana di Po in the province of Cremona. We will be planting 800 willows, one new tree for each of the 800 farms that deliver Pomì tomatoes!
For Pomì, being sustainable is not just a slogan but a concrete, daily commitment. It is a philosophy that the company has been pursuing for more than 40 years to make the areas near its crops even healthier, greener and safer and to contribute to an increasingly environmentally sustainable future.